Making a square edge chequred bowl
First I plane up sections of iroko and beech and glue them together to form a long laminated plank. (I would glue together much longer strips than shown in the photo, this is just an offcut).
Once the glue is set I would when cut the plank across its width into strips. By turning round alternate pieces you form a chequred block. A circular saw with a good sharp blade is used for cutting the strips. After cutting the first strip I would check it was the correct width. If it's more that 0.2mm out I would reset the saw and start again.
For all my project I use Titebond glue. I find it spreads evenly, is extremely strong when set and has a good shelf life.
Once you have all your strips its just a case of gluing your block together.
Now you have made the chequered block the hard work is done. Simply turn your square edge bowl being careful not to knock off any corners!